Bibliographic Information:
Title: My Sister, The Serial Killer
Author: Oyinkan Braithwaite
ISBN: 978-1432860219
Publisher: Doubleday
Copyright Date: November 20, 2018
Reading Level / Interest Level: Older Teens, Adults
Genre / Format: Satirical fiction, Thriller / Book
Themes: Unhappy family, Sisterhood
Awards or Honors: Anthony Awards: Best First Novel (2019); Los Angeles Times Book Prize (2019); Man Booker Prize (Longlist 2019)
Plot Summary: A nurse gets a call from her younger sister asking for help as she has killed yet another boyfriend in self defense. As the nurse, Korede has stepped in to clean the scene of the crime and help get rid of the body. She even helps her sister (Ayoola) act like the mournful girlfriend she should be when questioned about the deaths. Korede seems like she will continue to protect her sister from imprisonment until death, that is until Ayoola catches the eye of the Doctor Korede works with. Korede has a crush on the Doctor, but the Doctor is only interested in her sister. This might be what Korede needs to finally turn Ayoola in to the police.
Author Background: Oyinkan Braithwaite is a Nigerian-British writer. She has a degree in Creative Writing and Law from Kingston University. She then worked as an assistant editor of a Nigerian publishing house, Kachifo Limited. She lives in Lagos, Nigeria and has had several short stories published. Her book My Sister, The Serial Killer has been translated into 30 languages and has been optioned for film (Braithwaite, n.d.).
Critical Evaluation for Books and Non-Print Items: The story is told in a unique way. Each chapter is short keeping the pace quick. This crime thriller tells the reader right away who the killer is, and focuses more on Korede's life and her relationship with a serial killer. Although you have already been told who the killer is, you find yourself cheering the sister on to live her own life. It keeps you questioning what you would do if you were in her shoes. This book keeps you engaged from start to finish.
Creative Use for a Library Program: White to Pink - Tie Dye Time
In the beginning of the book, Korede is shown to be the only one in the hospital who is able to keep her nurse's uniform white, while everyone else has turned pink. Teens will be invited to dye unisex white shirts to whatever color they want.
Speed-Round Book Talk or Short Book Trailer: What does it take for someone to turn in a serial killer? Well what if it's your younger sister? In My Sister, The Serial Killer, we don't have to find out who the killer is, we know exactly who it is, the question we explore is what it takes for Korede to turn in her sister. We follow the life of Korede as she continues to clean up the mess of her sister, the serial killer. Until the day she finds out her sister likes the Doctor that Korede has a crush on. Will her love to protect this Doctor be enough to turn her sister in?
Potential Challenge Issues and Defense Preparation: Some parents may oppose the book because they may fear that the book is teaching the kids to stay away from the law, and disrupt the kids views of getting away with murder. I would argue that this book is focusing on the importance of family and that the satirical tone is not meant to be taken literally. It also introduces young readers to a location outside the US, since this book takes place in Nigeria.
Reason for Inclusion: This book has a strong message of sisterhood. Korede would do anything for her younger sister to keep her safe. The two sisters have been through so much together and this story demonstrates time and time again how their bond is indestructible. UK production Working Title optioned the book My Sister, the Serial Killer, with plans to adapt it into a feature film. Slasher films have proven to be popular, trending genre with young adults and this story, though aimed at adults, seems like a perfect fit for older teens.