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Monday's Not Coming

Writer: skull faceskull face

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Bibliographic Information:

Title: Monday's Not Coming

Author: Tiffany D Jackson

ISBN: 978-0062422675

Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books

Copyright Date: May 2018

Reading Level / Interest Level: Min/Max grade levels 9-12 (Novelist)

Genre / Format: Mysteries, African American Fiction, Realistic Fiction / Book

Themes: Missing Children, Friendship, Growing Up, Independence, Shame, Poverty, Trauma, Child Abuse,


Awards or Honors: Coretta Scott King Award: John Steptoe Award for New Talent (Authors); YALSA Best

Fiction for Young Adults: 2019


Plot Summary: Claudia knew something was wrong when her best friend Monday didn't show up for school. She tells her mother, her father, her teacher, and the police: no one seems to care. Every time she asks a question, it gets dodged. No one seems to remember the last time they saw Monday. Claudia's desperately looking for clues that can lead her to Monday. She searches through her memories of her best friend for insight into where she might be. Claudia knows Monday and she knows her best friend wouldn't abandon her to deal with bullies and school on her own. Something's wrong and Claudia doesn't understand why she seems to be the only one looking for Monday.

Author Background: Tiffany D Jackson is an NYT bestselling award-winning author. She is the author of several YA novels including Monday's Not Coming, Allegedly, and Grown. She is a Brooklyn native and holds a BA in Film from Howard University (Jackson, n.d.). She has extensive experience in TV and film and is a fan of horror movies (Epic Reads, 2017).

Critical Evaluation for Books and Non-Print Items: The story jumps back and forth between three timelines: this is not made entirely clear until the end of the book. This can make reading the story a bit confusing but if you just go along for the ride and pay attention to details, you will pick up on the hints along the way. This is absolutely thrilling story. It can be confusing at times, but that's just a reflection of the main character's state of mind; we are seeing the story through her fragmented memory. You get the sense that this is not a reliable narrator.

Overall, the story is well-paced and the structure keeps you hooked the entire time. Once the twists are revealed towards the end of the book, a lot of Claudia's behaviors begin to make a lot of sense. As the story unfolds you begin to understand why Claudia is so codependent and inseparable from Monday. As she continues her search for her best friend, she must also come to terms with being alone and learning to rely on herself. Despite Claudia being the most naive character, she remained loyal to her best friend to the very end, refusing to give up on her search when everyone else missed the obvious signs of abuse.

Creative Use for a Library Program: A Calm in the Chaos - Intricate Coloring Pages The story implies that the main character Claudia, is given intricate coloring pages to color as a way to calm one's emotions cope with trauma. Coloring is often used as a stress-reducing activities: a variety of intricate designs (mandala, geometric shapes,

Snack: Upside Down Pineapple Cake and Crab Boil

Speed-Round Book Talk or Short Book Trailer: Nobody's looking for Monday. Nobody except her best friend Claudia. Claudia knows something is wrong when Monday doesn't show up for school. As Claudia faces her last year in middle school alone, she must search for her missing best friend, also alone. Why doesn't anyone seem to care about Monday missing? Where is Monday? Will Claudia find her best friend?

Potential Challenge Issues and Defense Preparation: This book tackles some incredibly heavy subjects and it is not easy to get through. The ending is hopeful but the journey to get there leaves you exhausted. It's especially hard when you realize that such a dark story is the reality of many children; many of these stories go untold. The exploration of these issues is done with sensitivity and nuance; it is important to include stories like this in our collection because are very real threats that exist for our teens in our community. The fact that this novel is based on actual events is harrowing and make the inclusion of such a relevant story even more important.

Mitchelle Blair sentenced to life in prison for killing her children

Reason for Inclusion: The story features a main character that is learning to be independent. When her friend disappears, she must come to terms with her inability to read due to her dyslexia, and her fear of branching out beyond her comfort zone. This is an important story about young teens healing from trauma and learning to accept themselves and moving on with their lives. The story touches on incredibly relevant issues of today (gentrification, poverty, shame, and the lack of care for colored girls by American society).


A conversation with author Tiffany D Jackson


Adele's All I Ask

Claudia's dance instructor assigns Adele's All I Ask for her individual dance challenge, believing it would push Claudia as a talented dancer and help her with her healing process. At the end of the story, Claudia dances to this song and dedicates the performance to her best friend.



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